
5 Creepiest Urban Legends

5 Creepiest Urban Legends 5. The Man Who Spoke With God Picture this scene: The year is 1983. A group of religious scientists have come up with an interesting new theory that any human brain untroubled by stimuli would be able to sense the presence of God. Finding a willing volunteer, an old man with a terminal illness, they painstakingly seal off his nerve endings. Then they sit back and wait. What happened next is like H.P Lovecraft's worst nightmare. For a couple of days, the old man whispered about his deteriorating state of mind. On the fourth day, he claimed to hear distant voices. On the sixth, his dead wife began speaking to him. Then things really went downhill. As the days passed, the voices of the dead began to grow louder, more hostile. They became angry, mocking, and started to tell the man things nobody should ever have to hear. According to the legend, the man began to scream and tear at his unseeing eyes, shrieking no heaven, no forgiveness, over and over and o

Top 10 Scary Bloody Mary Urban Legends

Top 10 Scary Bloody Mary Urban Legends 10. Bloody Mary experience One night at a slumber party, all of the girls dared one of them to go into the bathroom and call out Bloody Mary’s name. The friend accepted this dare but she was also terrified to death. After fifteen minutes had passed, they heard the poor girl scream and she was struggling to open the door. When her friends finally got the door open, the girl in the washroom was whimpering, shaking and crying for help. Her arms were covered in bruises and cuts and even to this day, she apparently refuses to talk about what happened to her in that bathroom. 9. Classic Bloody Mary Three friends were hanging out on Friday the 13th and they were talking about Urban Legends, especially Bloody Mary. So, they all convinced one another to try the ritual for themselves. The three of them gathered candles, went into a pitch-black bathroom and waited until 2:55am. They chanted bloody Mary 13 times and all of a sudden, they saw a swirl of

10 สุดยอดตำนานเมือง

10 สุดยอดตำนานเมือง จาก Bloody Mary ไปจนถึง "แมงมุมกัด" ตำนานเมือง ได้สร้างแรงบันดาลใจให้กับหนังสือและภาพยนตร์ที่น่าขนลุกนับไม่ถ้วน - James Dawson แบ่งปัน 10 เรื่องโปรดของเขาและสำรวจรากและอิทธิพลของพวกเขา เรื่องผีที่ไม่มีผี ตำนานเมืองเป็นเทพนิยายสมัยใหม่ เช่นเดียวกับหนูน้อยหมวกแดงและโกลดิล็อคส์ที่เผยแพร่โดยประเพณีปากเปล่า ตำนานเมืองก็แพร่กระจายด้วยคำพูดจากปากต่อปาก ทำให้เกิดนิทานพื้นบ้านร่วมสมัยซึ่งมักมีศีลธรรมที่หาง มาเผชิญหน้ากัน การค้างคืนจะไม่สมบูรณ์หากไม่มีเรื่องน่าสะพรึงกลัวใต้แสงเทียนอย่างน้อยหนึ่งเรื่อง เช่นเดียวกับนิทานพื้นบ้านดั้งเดิม ตำนานสมัยใหม่ได้รับการประดับประดาหรือเปลี่ยนแปลงเมื่อมีการเล่าขานกันใหม่ ส่วนใหญ่ยังคงบอกด้วยวาจาเกี่ยวกับมาร์ชเมลโลว์และช็อคโกแลตร้อน แต่มีการบันทึกบางส่วน ผู้เขียนหลายคนได้ดัดแปลงตำนานเมืองให้เป็นแรงบันดาลใจสำหรับนวนิยายหรือภาพยนตร์ นวนิยายเรื่องใหม่ของฉัน Say Her Name เป็นเวอร์ชันของฉันเกี่ยวกับตำนานเมืองที่มีชื่อเสียงที่สุดของพวกเขาทั้งหมด คำสาป "บลัดดี้แมรี่" ฉันอยู่ไกลจากคนเดียวอย่างไรก็ตาม ที่นี่ฉันนำเสนอ 10

టాప్ 10 అర్బన్ లెజెండ్స్

టాప్ 10 అర్బన్ లెజెండ్స్ బ్లడీ మేరీ నుండి 'స్పైడర్ కాటు' వరకు, పట్టణ పురాణాలు లెక్కలేనన్ని గగుర్పాటు పుస్తకాలు మరియు చిత్రాలను ప్రేరేపించాయి - ఇక్కడ జేమ్స్ డాసన్ తన 10 ఇష్టాలను పంచుకుంటాడు మరియు వాటి మూలాలు మరియు ప్రభావాన్ని అన్వేషిస్తాడు దెయ్యం లేని దెయ్యం కథలు, పట్టణ ఇతిహాసాల ు ఆధునిక అద్భుత కథలు. లిటిల్ రెడ్ రైడింగ్ హుడ్ మరియు గోల్డిలాక్స్ మౌఖిక సంప్రదాయం ద్వారా వ్యాపించినట్లే, పట్టణ పురాణాలు నోటి మాట ద్వారా వ్యాప్తి చెందుతాయి, సమకాలీన జానపద కథలను సృష్టిస్తాయి, తరచూ తోకలో నైతిక స్టింగ్ ఉంటుంది. దీనిని ఎదుర్కొందాం, కనీసం ఒక క్యాండిల్ లైట్ టెర్రర్ కథ లేకుండా స్లీప్ ఓవర్ పూర్తి కాదు. సాంప్రదాయ జానపద కథల మాదిరిగానే, ఆధునిక పురాణాలు తిరిగి చెప్పబడినప్పుడు వాటిని అలంకరించాయి లేదా మార్చబడతాయి. చాలా వరకు ఇప్పటికీ మార్ష్మాల్లోలు మరియు వేడి చాక్లెట్ గురించి మౌఖికంగా చెప్పబడుతున్నాయి, కాని కొన్ని రికార్డ్ చేయబడ్డాయి. చాలా మంది రచయితలు నవలలు లేదా సినిమాలకు ప్రేరణగా పట్టణ ఇతిహాసాలన ు రీటూల్ చేశారు. నా కొత్త నవల, సే హర్ నేమ్, వీరందరిలో అత్యంత ప్రసిద్ధ పట్టణ పురాణం, "బ్లడీ మేర

Top 10 leyendas urbanas

Top 10 leyendas urbanas Desde Bloody Mary hasta 'la picadura de araña', los mitos urbanos han inspirado innumerables libros y películas espeluznantes: aquí James Dawson comparte sus 10 favoritos y explora sus raíces e influencia. Historias de fantasmas sin fantasmas, las leyendas urbanas son cuentos de hadas modernos. Así como Caperucita Roja y Ricitos de Oro se difundieron por tradición oral, los mitos urbanos se difunden de boca en boca, creando un folclore contemporáneo, a menudo con un aguijón moral en la cola. Seamos realistas, una fiesta de pijamas no está completa sin al menos una historia de terror a la luz de las velas. Al igual que el folclore tradicional, los mitos modernos se embellecen o alteran a medida que se vuelven a contar. La mayoría todavía se dicen oralmente sobre malvaviscos y chocolate caliente, pero algunos se registran. Muchos autores han rediseñado las leyendas urbanas como inspiración para novelas o películas. Mi nueva novela, Say Her Name,

Le 10 migliori leggende metropolitane

Le 10 migliori leggende metropolitane Da Bloody Mary al "morso di ragno", i miti urbani hanno ispirato innumerevoli libri e film inquietanti: qui James Dawson condivide i suoi 10 preferiti ed esplora le loro radici e la loro influenza. Storie di fantasmi senza fantasmi, le leggende metropolitane sono favole moderne. Proprio come Cappuccetto Rosso e Riccioli d'oro sono stati diffusi per tradizione orale, i miti urbani sono diffusi di bocca in bocca, creando folklore contemporaneo, spesso con un morso morale nella coda. Ammettiamolo, un pigiama party non è completo senza almeno una storia di terrore a lume di candela. Proprio come il folklore tradizionale, i miti moderni vengono abbelliti o alterati mentre vengono raccontati. La maggior parte viene ancora raccontata oralmente davanti a marshmallow e cioccolata calda, ma alcuni vengono registrati. Molti autori hanno rielaborato le leggende metropolitane come ispirazione per romanzi o film. Il mio nuovo romanzo, Say Her Nam